Grozdana Olujić - English

Narrative Prose

Collections of short stories



“They Were Children Like You” (“Bili su deca kao i ti”), curated by Zorana Opačić, Belgrade: Bookland, 2018.


“African Violet And Other Stories”, French translation


This collection of stories is made up of seventeen stories, thematically split into three parts. Even if every story is a psychological sketch of the way of thinking and of the psyche of its main characters, a part of the stories focuses on the dynamics of marriages, especially those on the verge to break up and those in which incompatibilities come to the surface, keeping the partners together by inertia. In the story “African Violet” (“Afrička ljubičica”), the hero transfers all ofhis attention and feelings on the plant, the African violet, because he can’t express them to his wife.

The skillful control over style and language enables the author to express her opinions without detours or twines, elements which always threaten the works which rely on psychology. Her stories are modern but without the nowadays modern experimentation. Most of all, they are readable and bracing. [S1]

Vasa D. Mihailovich, World Literature Today 61., 1987, 655.


Narrative prose to be found outside the collections:


La Violeta africana” (“African Violet” – “Afrička ljubičica”), La Battana, n. 57, 1980.

“The third plate” (“Treći tanjir”), Letopis Matice Srpske, vol. 159, vol. 431, vol. 4 (April 1983), p. 587-597, 1983.

“On a long, long street – faces” (“Auf der langen, langen strasse – der gesichter“), Jugoslawische Erzahler der Gegenwart, Stuttgart: Reclam Verlag, 1962.

“Crippled Birds” (“Lahme Vögel”), by Barbara Sparing, Moderne jugoslawische Prosa, Berlin: Verlag Volk und Welt, 1969, 149–154.

“Leaves, paths, echoes”, And the Stream Flews Down, India, New Delhi: Parag Prakastan, 1979.

“An African Violet” (“Afrička ljubičica”), A Collection by International Writing 2PLUS2, Switzerland, Lausanne: Mylabris press, 1986.

“The Game” (“Das Spiel”), translated by Barbara Antkowiak, In: Milo Dor, Das schwarze licht, ÖBV, Belgrade: Prosveta, 1990.

“The Game” (“Das Spiel”), translated by Christina Pribicevic-Zoric, Cimarron Review (Contemporary Yugoslav Poetry and Prose in Translation), no. 96–1991, pp. 53–56.

“On the long, long street – faces: a short story from Yugoslavia” (“Na dugoj, dugoj ulici – lica”), Pen International, Vol. XLIII, numb. 2, The International Pen Foundation, 1993, pp. 54–59.

“On the long, long street – faces: a short story from Yugoslavia”, Stories from Yugoslavia: Serbia, Selected and translated by Dina Katon Ben-Zion, Israel, 1993.

“On the long, long street – faces”, (“Na dugoj, dugoj ulici – lica”) In: Mid-American Review, Vol. XI, Number 1, 1997, pp. 247–254.

“African Violet” (“Afrička ljubičica”), Raška, vol. 37, no. 31, 1997, p. 7–11.

“The Third Plate” (“Treći tanjir”), in: Bezglasni krik, contemporary women’s story, Belgrade: Prosveta, p. 69–86.

“The African violet” (Afrička ljubičica), In: The Prince of fire: an anthology of contemporary Serbian short stories, by Radmila Jovanović – Gorup; Nadežda Obradović, Pittsburgh, Pa .: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.

“The Game” (“Das Spiel”), translated by Christine Pribicevic-Zoric, P.E.N. International, London, Great Britain, 2001.

“Naked Eye” (“Golo oko”), in: Anthology of Serbian Writers, edited by Rajko Lukač, Zepter Book World, Belgrade, 2003.