Grozdana Olujić - English

Essays and articles



“All-seeing Loved Ones” (“Svevideće oko bližnjih”), Književne novine – Literary newspaper, uly 17, 1959, X, 97.

“Delinquency and Film” (“Delikvencija i film”), NIN, May 8, 1960, I, 487.

“Evil Queens TV” (“Televizor zle kraljice”), Politika, Politika, 4. 9. 1960, LVII, 16877. Kultura – art, IV, 178. About modernising fairy tales.

“Lexicon gave way to a scrapbook” (“Leksikon je ustupio mesto spomenaru”), Politika, October 16, 1960, LVII, 16913. Culture – Art IV, 184.

“Gaps that warn – On the lack of love, family, entertainment and youth novel in our contemporary literature.” (“Praznine koje opominju – O nedostatku ljubavnog, porodičnog, zabavnog i omladinskog romana u našoj savremenoj literature”), Politika, March 4, 1962, LIX, 17386. Culture – Art, VI, 256.

“Twilight of Tragedy” (“Sumrak tragedije”), Politics, May 5, 1963, LX, 17807. Culture – Art VII, 51.

“New Possibilities: On the Contemporary Yugoslav Novel” (“Nove mogućnosti: o savremenom jugoslovenskom romanu”), Pobjeda, November 29, 1964, XXI, 2362.

“Who was Dimitrije Mitrinović?” (“Ko je bio Dimitrije Mitrinović?”), Borba, June 12, 1966, XXXI, 159.

“How to consume a poem or about one type of contemporary American poetry” (“Kako pojesti pesmu ili o jednom vidu savremene američke poezije”), Borba, December 30, 1972, LI, 360.

“Heroic Fiction by Olja Ivanjicki” (“Herojska fantastika Olje Ivanjicki”), Borba, May 11, 1974.

“Ljubodrag Janković”, Borba, June 1, 1974, LIII, 147.

“Jovan Sivački”, Borba, November 23, 1974, LII, 322.

“The Problem of Personality Identity in the Work of Virginia Woolf”, Literature, vol. XXX, vol. LXI, vol. 11/12, nov. –December 1975, p. 482–500.

“Weaving the Life of Thomas Wolf” (“Problem identiteta ličnosti u delu Virdžinije Vulf”), afterword in: Thomas Wolf, Weaving of Life, Belgrade: Rad, 1976.

“Literature and Time” (“Literatura i vreme”), Kultura, 36/37, 1977, 167–176,

“Pandits, educated women of India” (“Pandite, učene žene Indije”), Borba, July 2, 1977, LV, 179.

“The Dual Nature of Art” (“Dvojna priroda umetnosti”), Culture, 13-22.

“The Logic of Hell by Franz Kafka” (“Logika pakla Franca Kafke”), Third Program, Spring 1977, p. 297–306.

“India’s Thousand Faces” (“Hiljadu lica Indije”), Culture, 1979, 45/46, 104-114,

“Marcel Proust’s Time Found” (“Pronađeno vreme Marsela Prusta”), afterword in: Marcel Proust, One Swan’s Love, Belgrade: Rad, 1979, p. 213–221.

“India’s Thousand Faces” (“Hiljadu lica Indije”), preface to the anthology Invocation of Light, Belgrade: Rad, 1980 p. 7–50.

“The Winged Wheel of Time” (“Krilati točak vremena”), b. г. p. 140–150.

“Poetics of a fairy tale” (“Poetika bajke”), Childhood, Novi Sad, vol. VII, no. 3, 1981, p. 31–38.

“The Winged Wheel of Time” (“Krilati točak vremena”), Gradina, 1984, XIX, 3, 37-44.

“The alchemy of Mersad Berber’s Dream” (“Alhemija sna Mersada Berbera”), Književne novine, 41, February 1, 1989, 769.

“Multimedia as a future or a contribution to the defence of the book” (“Multimedijalnost kao budućnost ili prilog odbrani knjige”), Childhood, Novi Sad, 1997, vol. XXIII, no. 3, p. 9–12.

“Defence of the written word” (“Odbrana pisane reči”), Politika, 96, no. 30794, 17.07.1999, p. 14.

“Fantasy in children’s literature or the dream of a rose and a butterfly” (“Fantastika u književnosti za decu ili san o ruži i leptiru”), Childhood, Novi Sad, vol. XXVI, 2000, no. 1-2, p. 4–8.

 “Alchemy of Light by Ljuba Popović” (“Alhemija svetlosti Ljube Popovića”), Volumes, vol. 11, no. 57–58, 2001, p. 205–209.

“Metaphors of love” (“Metafore ljubavi”), preface to the Anthology of love fairy tales of the world, Belgrade: SKZ, 2001.

“Light Phantasmagorias of Voja Stanić” (“Svetlosne fantazmagorije Voje Stanića”), Notebooks, vol. 13, no. 57–58, 2002, p. 180–187.

“Marcel Proust’s Time Found” (“Pronađeno vreme Marsela Prusta”), afterword in: Marcel Proust, One Swan’s Love, Belgrade: Habitus, 2004.

“Poetics of a Fairy Tale” (“Poetika bajke”), BraniČevo, 50, 2, April-June, 161-169.

“Inter-genre relations: a fairy tale and a fantastic story” (“Međužanrovski odnosi: bajka i fantastična priča”), Uzdanica, Jagodina, spring-autumn 2006, III, no. 1-2, p. 81–87.


Ratings and reviews


“Good Day, Sadness” (“Dobar dan, tugo”), review. Young Culture, 1955, IV, 34, September 15, 6.

“Builders of the World by Stefan Zweig” (“Graditelji svijeta Stefana Cvajga”), (review) Youth, 31. VIII 1955, XI, 927.

“Ramous Osvaldo, Time of  Night Butterflies” (“Ramous Osvaldo, Vrijeme noćnih leptira”) (review), Slobodna Dalmacija, 27. VIII, 1955, XIII, 3276.

“Vojislav Kuzmanović: Petar on Sand” (“Vojislav Kuzmanović: Petar na pijesku”) (review), Mlada kultura, May 13, 1956, V, 45.

“Branko V. Radičević: Eternal infantry“ (“Branko V. Radičević: Večita pešadija”) (review), Mlada kultura, 14. II 1957, VI, 52.

“Svetlana Velmar Janković: Scar” (review), Mlada kultura, June 6, 1957, VI, 60-61.

“Delinquency and Film” (“Delikvencija i film”), NIN, May 8, 1960, I, 487.

“John Wain: On the Young Generation of English Writers” (“John Wain: O mladoj generaciji engleskih pisaca”), interview with Grozdana Olujić, NIN, June 26, 1960, X, 494.

“Invasion of the Youth” (“Najezda mladih”), Politika, November 13, 1960, LVII, 16937. Culture – Art IV, 811.

“Erskine Caldwell: About Myself, Literature and America” (“Erskine Caldwell: o sebi, književnosti i Americi”), interview with Mr. Storm. NIN, February 26

1961, XI, 529